Broken-down Poetry: I'd put all my money on you...


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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'd put all my money on you...

And so this week continues.

For once, only the second time this year, I've been able to go to the library in study hall. Like I said, only ONCE this year because of those sophomores and juniors who go just to talk. (Not that I wasn't one of them last year). But a girl could use a computer break every once and a while. [Like right now.]

I have so much due Friday but no incentive to work. AP Essay, OPTIC write-up, Newspaper article about sushi... oh where does it end? Sure, that's just about all my homework for this week (even now in study hall I have so very little to do) but I have absolutely no desire to do any of it. I'm sick of writing (rambling's way more fun!)

I kind of wish I had a good (not previously read) book to read. I'm rereading Brave New World and The Art of Rejection by Hayley DiMarco but there's not much keeping my attention. Bleh. Or I could get This Present Darkness from the library, again, the third time for me. The book just makes me wish I could writer better than I currently do, yet I hate the unnecessary details. Okay, so it's a really dirty jailhouse--I get the picture, Frank!

As for interning... I hope I do something exciting today. Or, to my preference, Tom won't have anything for me to do so I can go on Facebook the whole time.

I suppose I really should start working on some homework. At least start researching sushi. Okay what do I already know... raw fish, Japanese, smelly, cold, uhhh... 'guess that's it. I better start researching.

Until next time. [Wow, what an overused outro]


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