Broken-down Poetry: show choir.


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Friday, August 31, 2007

show choir.

Even though I'm no longer in show choir, I'm a part of show choir.

When you quit, you don't actually quit.

You're still friends with the same people, and at lunch there's no where else to sit but The Show Choir Table. And it's because of that I have labeled myself the Show Choir Preacher. There's really no other way to describe it.

I know show choir kids are the most dramatic ones in the world. They spend 3 hours a day together, competing against each other to be the best, yet relying on each other as part of a team. They date one another. They hate one another.

Every year there seems to be a show choir "groupie"--someone not in choir who likes to hang around the choir kids just pretending they were "one of them." When I dropped out of choir I thought I'd become that person. That scared me because no one likes that person--he or she is a tag-along. Rightfully so: they voluntarily immerse themself in drama. Me, I'm not like that. Like I said, I'm the show choir preacher.

And I'm not a preacher as in I start my day thumpin' Bibles on their heads. No one likes that. No, not even sequence-wearing, hair-pieced, makeup-ed, jazz handed, show choir kids like something that extreme. [Jesus, that is.]

You cannot combine the two.

I don't mean to say there aren't any Christians in show choir, there are in fact. But when you're in choir, when you're singing, when you're dancing, when you're gossiping like all show choir girls and boys do, you can't possibly keep Jesus in the front of your mind. Or can you?

You're supposed to dance seductively at practice with your WWJD wristband on. Or wear a lowcut dress at a competition that shows some, well, clevage then go to church the next day.

And Lord knows that just because you're a Christian, you're not free from drama. I wish!

So here I am. I am out of choir and relatively free from drama (though, I'm sure people talk about me as much as they do the next girl). So what is my job? My friends are in choir. I have very few friends free from that realm....

I am that show choir preacher. Not called to preach, but to set the example. I'm the goody-goody, the "safe" one everyone is used to taunting. But they can't taunt me (I was once one of them (a show choir kid, that is)).

I know who I am; I know God's call on my life: not just to be the example for those who know God, but for those who don't.

In Him. With Love,


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